The Archivist Augurs, The Larper Dreams at Square Street Gallery

The Archivist Augurs, The Larper Dreams at Square Street Gallery

At the risk of being art. Endless tag-of-war between natural and artificial, dangerous and safe, decorative and utilitarian, tamed and wild, biotic and mechanical. Are they — and should they be —opposed, juxtaposed or symbiotic? Is efficiency the main driving force of progress and evolution? Is art in opposition to technology or is technology now yet another new frontier? Can I touch this creepy multi-eyed creature? All these important questions are raised but are not necessarily being answered at this exhibition. Well, except for the “Can I touch it?” one.
Works by Dony Cheng, Dave Chow, These Faces (Jennifer Yeung), Brandon Tay.

Exhibition period: 25.07–24.08
Gallery address: G/F, 21 Square Street

Hejum Bä: I Want to Buy Unseen Eyes at Massimo de Carlo

Hejum Bä: I Want to Buy Unseen Eyes at Massimo de Carlo

Main Character at Woaw Gallery

Main Character at Woaw Gallery