Ticko Liu: Nonsensical Ways of Seeing at Square Street Gallery

Ticko Liu: Nonsensical Ways of Seeing at Square Street Gallery

Just imagine if nonsensical ways of seeing was also required from the visitors of the exhibition! Just like in The Ministry of Silly Walks we would be trying our best to see the artworks in the most nonsensical way possible. But I digress. Ticko Liu’s works, of course, make a lot of sense—the well-traveled fruits, carpet full of cat’s dreams, daily milk cartons, grass fields and cookie jars; maybe we are too obsessed with making sense of our surroundings so just merely observing may seems not enough?

Exhibition period: 26.11—21.01.23
Gallery address: 21 Square Street, Central

All the World's A Stage: The Art of Luis Chan Flagship Exhibition at Pao Galleries

All the World's A Stage: The Art of Luis Chan Flagship Exhibition at Pao Galleries

Peter Howson: Lacrimae Rerum at Flowers Gallery

Peter Howson: Lacrimae Rerum at Flowers Gallery