June Ho: Goodbye, Hello at Karin Weber Gallery

June Ho: Goodbye, Hello at Karin Weber Gallery

Everyday views, mundane scenes, small details. All the things—big and small—which once were will no longer be. With all the normal changes multiplied by the events of the last few years saying goodbye feels more and more poignant and any changes look less and less desirable. It’s a bitter sweet exhibition that can leave you with a light sadness and longing for the past.
I was lucky to attend the artist’s studio and saw the lino boards for these prints and that took part of the sadness away, because it’s possible to preserve the moments, no matter how insignificant or unimportant they may seem, so now I see it more of a Hello than only a Goodbye.

Exhibition period: 14 July—13 August
Gallery address: G/F, 20 Aberdeen Street, Central

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