Retrograde at Galerie du Monde

Retrograde at Galerie du Monde

Compared to most LGBTQ+ exhibitions focused on pride and visibility this group show is more subtle and nuanced, representing inner conflicts and complicated experiences. Some speak about exclusion of certain racial narratives from a community discussion, some sense the pressure of the unspoken rule to show only empowering sides of their experience, some don’t feel represented in a LGBTQ+ history, some afraid that only a certain flavour of queerness is accepted; there’s even no agreement on whether the word queer itself is appropriate and right! The exhibition resembles a choir with a plethora of voices, soft and bold, quiet and loud, questioning and answering.

Participating artists: Ivana Bašić, Jes Fan, Dew Kim, Green Mok, Naraphat Sakarthornsap, Tseng Chien-Ying, Floryan Varennes, Luis Xertu, Xu Guanyu, Rachel Youn, Stella Zhang. Curated by Cusson Cheng.

Exhibition period: 16 June—13 August
Gallery address: 108 Ruttonjee Centre, 11 Duddell Street, Central

June Ho: Goodbye, Hello at Karin Weber Gallery

June Ho: Goodbye, Hello at Karin Weber Gallery

Minding the G(r)a(s)p at Para Site

Minding the G(r)a(s)p at Para Site