Evelina is a visual artist and printmaker (b. 1980 in Poland, currently lives and works in Tokyo). After having an accomplished career in advertising, Ewelina decided to fully dedicate herself to art in 2013. She retrained and specialised in visual arts at University of The Arts London where she graduated with distinction in 2015.
Female body is at the forefront of Ewelina’s prints and ceramic sculptures. She moves away from showing it as a finite whole, instead expressing it through a sense of space and fluidity, producing a distinctive vision of feminine physicality. Through exploration of the fundamentals of colour, form, lines and negative space she focuses on ephemeral and unspoken aspects, using a combination of different printing techniques to produce a unique and powerful contrast. By exploring the interplay between nudity and carnality, she creates images on the edge of figurative and abstraction.
Gallery address: G/F, 14 St. Francis Street, Wan Chai