A Book Act 1 at Karin Weber Gallery

A Book Act 1 at Karin Weber Gallery

What's in a name? That which we call a book, by any other word would smell as sweet. (Or something like that; there’s a slight chance I am misquoting).
But a book is not something that just gives rustle of pages, or specific weight and texture. Some of the books you can’t even open. Or read. Or touch. But they still are wonderful portals, pure miracles, and journey-takers.

Participating artists: David Boyce, Annebell Chan, Chan Sai Lok, Clair Chan, Stacey Chan, Law Man Lok, Michelle Lee, Chino Ng, Tse Chun Sing, Tse Yim On.

Exhibition period: 3.12—14.01.23
Gallery address: 20 Aberdeen Street, Central

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