(Re)Trace Kusama to Shiota at Phillips

(Re)Trace Kusama to Shiota at Phillips

Just seeing these two names together made me realize how much shared themes Yayoi Kusama and Chiharu Shiota have. Shifting the focus and perception. Tying viewers, visions and the reality together. Using intricate and meticulous repetition. Transforming of traumatic experiences into the artworks. None of the art pieces by these artists are lighthearted or optimistic no matter how bright the colours are. None of them are deliberately dreadful and tragic. Both of artists are undoubtedly Japanese but none of them used that literally and directly. Both of them are talking about female experiences but none of them is strictly a female artist. The list can obviously go on.
(Also I have a rather peculiar association with Shiota works — they make me think of Klein bottle — similar to it being a shape with no volume her artworks are volumes with no surfaces)

Exhibition period: 18—30.04
Gallery address: G/F, WKCDA Tower, West Kowloon Cultural District, Kowloon

JeeYoung Lee: Stage of Mind at La Galerie Paris 1839

JeeYoung Lee: Stage of Mind at La Galerie Paris 1839

José Parlá: Phosphene at Ben Brown Fine Arts

José Parlá: Phosphene at Ben Brown Fine Arts