Exhibition “Master of 20th Century Sculpture” by Hans Arp at Hauser&Wirth

Exhibition “Master of 20th Century Sculpture” by Hans Arp at Hauser&Wirth

“Sculpture should walk on the tips of its toes, unostentatious, unpretentious, and light as the spoor of an animal in snow. Art should melt into and even merge with nature itself. This is obviously contrary to painting and sculpture based on nature. By so doing, art will rid itself more and more of self-centredness, virtuosity and absurdity” from ‘Arp on Arp’, 1958. 

Exhibition period: 3.09 — 9.11.19

Gallery address: 15–16/F, H Queen’s, Central

Exhibition “Daisy Chain” by Adam Beris at Over the Influence

Exhibition “Daisy Chain” by Adam Beris at Over the Influence

Exhibition “Negative Reading | Reading Negatives“ by Qin Yifeng at White Cube Gallery

Exhibition “Negative Reading | Reading Negatives“ by Qin Yifeng at White Cube Gallery