An exhibition of the Sylvio Perlstein Collection “A Luta Continua” at Hauser&Wirth

An exhibition of the Sylvio Perlstein Collection “A Luta Continua” at Hauser&Wirth

Collection “A Luta Continua” at Hauser&Wirth.
You can teach art history of twentieth-century just using this collection: starting from Dada and Surrealism, moving to Abstract art, Conceptual art, Minimalalism, Pop Art, Arte Povera, and finally to Contemporary Art. A show is certainly not to be missed.

Exhibition period: 23.05 — 27.07.19

Gallery address: 15, 16/F H Queen’s, Central.

Social Studio Showcase at HART House

Social Studio Showcase at HART House

Group exhibition “Memory” at Leo Gallery

Group exhibition “Memory” at Leo Gallery