Exhibition “30 Minutes Before Midnight” by Paulina Olowska

Exhibition “30 Minutes Before Midnight” by Paulina Olowska

Let me borrow this quote from the press release (side note: yes, I do read them, so if you are the people who are writing them keep in mind you do have an audience): “Our culture is replete with religious and symbolic images of women that are either subservient or sacrificial and that do not hold and reflect the multiplicities of women’s creative powers“, Juliet Miller, The Creative Feminine and her Discontents (2008). What I like in these new body of works is that Paulina Olowska hasn’t allowed herself to be trapped in representation of happy, almighty and powerful sheroes. Her characters are diverse—vulnerable, strong, fragile, cold, free, trapped, innocent, seductive—and that’s what makes them alive and present.

Exhibition period: 19.05 — 19.06.21
Gallery address: 3/F, Pedder Building, Central

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