Evolving Boundaries: A Tribute Exhibition to Touch’s Fifth Anniversary

Evolving Boundaries: A Tribute Exhibition to Touch’s Fifth Anniversary

For the occasion of fifth year anniversary Touch Ceramics invited five of the artists, that were shown in a gallery through these years. Developing their own unique styles Tomonari Hashimoto, Sara Tse Suk Ting, Ogata Kamio, Liu Jung Hui, and Lee Jong Min present contemporary take on ceramic art.

Exhibition period: 7.11—2.12
Gallery address: Shop 203, 2/F, Tai Kwun, Central

cucurrucucu: work on paper at Square Street Gallery

cucurrucucu: work on paper at Square Street Gallery

Tang Yongxiang: Color at Lévy Gorvy Dayan & Wei

Tang Yongxiang: Color at Lévy Gorvy Dayan & Wei