emo gym at Tai Kwun

emo gym at Tai Kwun

Flex your emotional muscles, prepare for self-soothing repetitions, and accept the challenge—as did the artists. Experiencing the fragility of human condition and embracing it is difficult and even exhausting, but unlike the physical gym situation there are no norms and standardised achievements. There’s no coach to cheer you on, no gym buddy to motivate you and a selfie from an emo gym will probably not get a lot of likes on IG. But since our physical bodies are so connected to our mental and emotional states we can still live through a lot of experiences, hopefully to learn and gain from them, widen our range of emotional reactions, and strengthen our state of mind.

Just don’t forget to stretch after the workout.

When: 21 April—19 June
Where: Tai Kwun, JC Contemporary, Central

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