“Japanese Bamboo Baskets” overseen by Masamitsu Saito at SHOP Taka Ishii Gallery

“Japanese Bamboo Baskets” overseen by Masamitsu Saito at SHOP Taka Ishii Gallery

Bamboo basketry — it is a real word to my slight surprise — is one of the oldest forms of craftsmanship. Also it is an important evidence of trade, cultural exchange, influence, trends, and inspiration. On display in a gallery are bamboo baskets made in the 19th – 20th century but thanks to sturdiness of material much older baskets exist in the various collections all over the world.

Exhibition period: May 18—Jun 27, 2021

Joint exhibition “After Nature: Part I” at 3812 Gallery

Joint exhibition “After Nature: Part I” at 3812 Gallery

Exhibition “Silent Emotions” by Bruno Walpoth at Art Roof Top

Exhibition “Silent Emotions” by Bruno Walpoth at Art Roof Top