SENS Gallery is pleased to announce its first exhibition of 2023, Time of Togetherness, a solo presentation featuring the work of Chinese painter Zhang Qingzhu. The exhibition will be open from 20th January to 18th February 2023. Zhang’s work reflects on nostalgia and it reminisces the drastically developing time after the Open Door Policy of the 1980s to the 1990s. His bright, vivid imagery depicts the simplicity of life and strength of the people through things passed.
Zhang Qingzhu’s work highlights the collective memories of a particular era, reflecting on the positivity of the people and their lives. Amidst the chaotic and constant evolution of society and culture in the past few decades, images of youth and innocence spark hope and optimism. Zhang’s work is visual storytelling through theatrics: small children are physically expressive; animals contribute to the joviality of the scenes and slogans across the background signify messages of assurance to everyone who sees them. He meticulously portrays vivid lights and shadows as well as geometric planes to convey a clear sense of absurdity within the innocence of his characters and reflects on the dissolution of these ideals as time passes. The paintings are spatial in composition, engaging audiences into a conversation between the past and the present.
Taking photographs of the streets surrounding him and documenting people’s lifestyles is Zhang’s approach to create artworks that allow him to echo reality yet synthesize with other elements to create an idyllic image of Chinese society.
Gallery address: 1908 Landmark South, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong.