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SO Wing Yi: It’s Ok to Be Not Ok at PMQ

  • Hong Kong Hong Kong (map)

Do you still remember how to speak out “I am unhappy” this simple sentence fluently? I bet you didn’t say it for a long while.

In recent years, we can see thousands of advertisement which are emphasizing the positive energy and thinking ways in our daily life. Also, we can easily find the “happy life guideline” issued by government or mental health associations. But do they really help you to stay positive permanently? Or they are just forcing you to pretend you are on the right track and feel guilty once you are suffering from negative emotion?

Even though we are trying to escape from those negative emotion, they will not be disappeared just that easy for sure.
What we need to do is to face those “bad emotion” which are part of ourselves, then find the proper way in solving those sadness or releasing those negative emotion.

Venue address: S210, Staunton Block, PMQ, Central