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Reo Ma x Edmond Looi: Symphony of Crafts at Form n Void

  • Hong Kong Hong Kong (map)

Journey into a realm where creativity knows no bounds as we unveil the evolution of Edmond Looi’s unique voyage with the War on Culture collective.

Immersed for years in the footwear industry, Edmond stood at the crossroad where comfortable familiarity clashed with the tantalizing allure of uncharted potentials. The initial encounter with the War on Culture collective served as a beacon, illuminating Edmond’s path at this crossroad. His later immersion into the collective sparked a deep-seated transformation, enabling him to toy with fresh inspirations derived from shared experiences, such as The Great War. The collective’s ethos breathed life into the dormant thoughts hidden in the unvisited corners of Edmond’s mind. War on Culture became an incubator for these ideas, allowing them to germinate, grow, and infuse into his creative process. This synergy between his evolving thoughts and the collective’s dynamic energy opened up a new world of possibilities for Edmond’s crafts.

The “War Shoes” series was born from this transformative voyage with the War on Culture collective. Each pair stands as a manifesto of Edmond’s raw and unfiltered sentiments, meticulously handcrafted, a testament to his metamorphosis from a shoe artisan to a daring pioneer. With audacious experimentation, he transcends labels, embracing the infinite canvas of artistic expression.

Gallery address: 27 New Street, Tai Ping Shan, Sheung Wan