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Milkmade: Riya Chandiramani at Young Soy Gallery

  • Hong Kong Hong Kong (map)

Snap, Crackle… Patriarchy? Young Soy Gallery presents Milkmade, a series of Riya Chandiramani’s cereal box creations. Sexual and cynical, colourful and (almost) consumable, the paintings in Chandiramani’s cereal box series provide insight into ideas of worship, capitalism and power. Chandiramani encourages her viewers to question the patriarchal society we often readily accept, by depicting fierce female goddesses who perform life-giving acts. She rejects censorship, and instead embraces natural beauty and the female figure. We believe Milkmade adds some much-needed flavour to everyone’s morning cereal.

Venue address: 22/F, Unit 2219, 10 Lee Hing Street, Ap Lei Chau,