A page from a tear-off calendar tells a story of love between an illiterate woman and her 19-year-old granddaughter. This tiny, tattered piece of paper marks not only the birthday of her granddaughter but her unspoken love for her grandchild, even after her passing.
After life has come to an end, will love be forgotten over time?
Time, the most ancient measurement for love.
As the sayings go...
Time will tell...
Time will heal...
Time will prove everything...
Time seems to be the most faithful witness.
But what if love is not overseen by the goddess of time? Will all the past relationships, all the sweets and the bitters and the unspoken feelings pass into oblivion? Can the undiscovered and the unspoken love ever be proven?
Venue address: S503, Block A, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central