Ora-Ora is pleased to present Lagom, a group exhibition that will feature works by gallery artists Chan Keng Tin, Huang Dan, Erik Jeor, Liu Qi, Cindy Ng, Patrick Nilsson, Wong Hau Kwei and Zhang Yanzi. Stemming from diverse cultural backgrounds, these artists are unitedly able to display the sensation of balance through contemporary landscapes. The exhibition will be on view from October 29 to November 18, 2020.
The show draws its inspiration from the Swedish term “lagom”, which translates as “the perfect measure of contentment and moderation”, a cultural understanding that applies across all aspects of life. This is an idea that balance coexists across cultures and religions. Similarly, a notable Chinese idiom, “中庸之道” (zhōng yōng zhī dào), embodies the same concept seamlessly.
Gallery address: 1/F, Soho 189, 189 Queen's Road West