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Alixe Fu: Wheatfields’ Whisper at Amanda Wei (Chatham Maison)

  • Hong Kong Hong Kong (map)

At Chatham Maison, a unique viewing centre in Hong Kong combining art & history, Amanda Wei Gallery presents over 40 years of Alixe Fu’s wonderful artistic journeys. Alixe Fu has lived in Paris, Beijing, Taipei, New York, and various other places before settling in Auvers-sur-Oise, in the northern suburbs of Paris, France, also known as “Van Gogh Village”. Alixe Fu regards this small French town as the place where he really belongs, as it established his position as an artist. Besides creating artworks here, he has also set his feet on the raven wheatfields of Van Gogh for over 30 years. Thus, his first retrospective exhibition is titled “Wheatfields’ Whisper”.

The exhibition integrates a spatial transformation of the venue itself, curating 7 independent themes following Alixe Fu’s symbolic series. The curatorial concept is primarily based on his series, supported by his creation timeline: ‘80-90s early series: 1980 “Fate”, 1983-1987 “Game”, 1987-1991 “Saint Denis”, 1991-2022 “Scarecrow and The Cross” series, 1994-1997 “Birth”’, ‘1997-2022 “Plant Man-Animal Man” series’, ‘2012-2022 Old Pictures-New Works “Anti-Retro” series’, ‘1997-2022 “Hybrid Portraits” series’, ‘2022 Recent Works series’, ‘1980-2022 Sketches series’, and ‘2006-2022 “Sign Me” Sculpture series’.

To conclude this art feast, we welcome guests to the rooftop to participate in our signing activity with the “Sign Me” series sculptures “Brothers”, together ‘sign for love’.

Chatham Maison reception: Central AMANDA WEI GALLERY (Shop B, Wilson House, 19-27 Wyndham Street, Central)