“Raise Hands” in the air is an interesting action, there are many meanings behind it. This is a simple action that everyone does and knows in their lives. We called it “Hands Up”. It could be surrender or signify assent. On the other hand, it could be participation, being for or against something.
2CHOEY, an artist born and raised in Thailand, who plays artworks with hands reinterpret pop culture. This is his first solo exhibition in Hong Kong, 2CHOEY trying to explore the hidden meaning behind “HANDS UP”, to investigate the social phenomenon, the communication beyond languages, to evaluate current popular cultures and issues. “Put your hands up” are not just a superficial message, but also there is a hidden agenda that represents morality and fearlessness, and it is something that worth reflecting on.
Gallery address: G/F, 13a New Street, Sheung Wan