Two individuals have continued their family's grocery store, named "Yu Kee," located in the Shuang Feng Street Market in Wong Tai Sin since 2017. They take walks along the way, piecing together a small space of common and unremarkable daily fragments. They create a series of works through painting, hand molding, and metalworking, exploring the connection between people and surroundings, paying attention to the disappearing natural environment, and seeking more companionship and honesty in their surroundings.
Lai Ching Ching explores the essence of the material and the representation of cell flow through mediums such as sketching, photography, and contemporary jewelry-making. The most commonly appearing element in her work is the form of plants thriving and withering.
Ting Sze Lok primarily uses painting and hand molding as her creative mediums. Through daily walks in the city and small observations in mountain path jungles, her works display common and unremarkable fragments.
Opening: 6/5 (Saturday ) 4-7pm (Monday to Thursday by appointment)
Gallery address: 10/F,Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai