The Adorned Body: French Fashion and Jewellery 1770–1910 at Palace Museum

The Adorned Body: French Fashion and Jewellery 1770–1910 at Palace Museum

For all the historical costume lovers — and for those who never knew a thing about it; for all who wanted to see Watteau pleats and schlafrock in real life — and for those who are puzzled with these words; for those who saw dresses like that only in Disney movies — and for those who can date the exact time period in now time; for those who would want to wear something similar — and for those who are happy we don’t dress this way anymore. So for everyone to be honest, this exhibition is a pure delight for everyone.
Jointly organised with the Musée des Arts Décoratifs.

Exhibition period: 26.06–14.10
Venue address: Gallery 9, Hong Kong Palace Museum

Megumi Shinozaki: Meridiem at WKM Gallery

Megumi Shinozaki: Meridiem at WKM Gallery

Fine Art Asia/Ink Asia 2024

Fine Art Asia/Ink Asia 2024