Space and Memory’ at Whitestone Gallery

Space and Memory’ at Whitestone Gallery

This exhibition feels like a three-chapters-story that moves from a quite figurative but cinematic memories through dreamy landscapes to abstracted concepts. Title and artworks allow to play with different versions of interpretation: traveling in the memory space, analyzing the spatial memory, or placing memories in the actual space. Just don’t be spaced out and try not to miss last days of the show written — I mean, presented — by Kwong San Tang, Szelit Cheung, and Tap Chan.

Exhibition period: 31.08 — 30.09.21
Gallery address: 7–8/F, H Queen’s, Central

‘Serendipity In the Street’ at Tai Kwun

‘Serendipity In the Street’ at Tai Kwun

Hsiao Chin: From Beijing to Paris at 3812 Gallery

Hsiao Chin: From Beijing to Paris at 3812 Gallery