Lau Hong Lam: Je Ne Sais Quoi Vol.2 — Kallisti at HK Arts Centre

Lau Hong Lam: Je Ne Sais Quoi Vol.2 — Kallisti at HK Arts Centre

Deeply rooted in Greek mythology and philosophy this exhibition is a poetic exploration of fate, responsibility and consequences of choices and actions.
‘Kallisti’ in the title translates as ‘to the most beautiful’ referring to the story of the Apple of Discord which started a catastrophic and epic chain of events.
To learn more about the rest of the references join artist led tours on 12, 13 and 14.11.

Exhibition period: 21.10 — 14.11.21
Gallery address: 3/F, 2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai

Chen Wei: The Last Night at Blindspot Gallery

Chen Wei: The Last Night at Blindspot Gallery

MUSE ROOMS at K11 Musea

MUSE ROOMS at K11 Musea