Julio Anaya Cabanding, Ryan Schneider, Kazuma Koike: Intersection at Aishonanzuka

Julio Anaya Cabanding, Ryan Schneider, Kazuma Koike: Intersection at Aishonanzuka

That feeling when you weren’t expecting much from a group show but were pleasantly surprised (by the way, unexpected rewards increase the activity of dopamine neurons, acting as positive feedback signals for the brain regions associated with the preceding behaviour, so please, dear galleries, do this more often).
Trompe l'oeil Greek busts, chainsawed totems, and hammered-like ceramics. Everything is not exactly what it seems and the cultural dialogue between these fictional artefacts adds something impossible to put into words to this intersection.

Exhibition period: 19 February—19 March
Gallery address: 1/F, Chinachem Hollywood Center, 1-13 Hollywood Road

Lau Siu Chung: Let's Go Somewhere at Gallery Exit

Lau Siu Chung: Let's Go Somewhere at Gallery Exit

Austin Harris: The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree at Over the Influence

Austin Harris: The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree at Over the Influence