Breathing with Trees at Tai Kwun

Breathing with Trees at Tai Kwun

Trees Are Friends Not Food! Sorry, that was my first association! But seriously trees are amazing: just by themselves and also in those complex, sophisticated systems that they form with fungi, bacteria, insects, animals, and other trees. But of course—to no one’s surprise—cities aren’t the best environment for trees. Lack of space for the deep and wide root systems means lack of stability which leads to sad incidents. Can we co-exist with trees in the city, sharing the same environment without the suffering and risk of dangerous incidents? The answer is as complicated as the question.
Participating artists: Lau Chi Chung, Marshmallow Laser Feast, Ng Ka Chun, Anson Wong, Zheng Bo.

Exhibition period: 8.07—12.09.22
Gallery address: Block 01 Duplex Studio, Tai Kwun, Central

Oh, the Importance of Play! by Yep Yep at Kiang Malingue

Oh, the Importance of Play! by Yep Yep at Kiang Malingue

A Collection in Two Acts at Rossi&Rossi

A Collection in Two Acts at Rossi&Rossi