AES+F: Inverso Mundus: City of Chimeras at Tang Contemporary Art

AES+F: Inverso Mundus: City of Chimeras at Tang Contemporary Art

In Greek mythology, chimera is a monstrous fire-breathing beast composed of parts of multiple animals. Metaphorically the term is used to describe something implausible and unrealistic, frightening and dangerous. It also is widely used in genetics and biology, although without any of these connotations. The chimeras depicted in the paintings are none of the above, but rather the purebred—or genetically modified—pets, subjects of not only adoration but also status and wealth.
Exhibition period: 20.02–20.03
Gallery address: 10/F, H Queen’s, Central

Yam Shalev: Between Times at Woaw Gallery

Yam Shalev: Between Times at Woaw Gallery

Walasse Ting: Joy, Temptation and Magic at Alisan Fine Arts

Walasse Ting: Joy, Temptation and Magic at Alisan Fine Arts