Liquid Ground at Para Site
Poignant exploration and a proposal to re-consider the pace of reclaiming and building, expanding and taking-over places that can very soon be taking away by climate change consequences. The saying is “no man is an island” but paradoxically no island is an island as well — no ecosystem is truly self-sufficient and fully isolated, no place is free from influence and change.
Showing works by Leelee Chan, Cui Jie, Future Host (Tingying Ma and Kang Kang), Ho Rui An, Travis Jeppesen, Jessika Khazrik for The Society of False Witnesses, Heidi Lau, Lee Kai Chung, Riar Rizaldi, The Centre for Land Affairs, Yi Xin Tong, Alice Wang, Gary Zhexi Zhang, Zheng Bo, Zheng Mahler.
Curated by Alvin Li and Junyuan Feng.
Exhibition period: 13.09 — 14.11.21
Gallery address: 22/F, Wing Wah Industrial Building, Quarry Bay